Sunday, 7 August 2016

Witless is back after a long month.

To my great readers out there, I'd like to apologize for not being active on my blog very much lately. Long story short I use my phone to upload all my content and the windows phone I used to use didn't have a blogger app. So now I've got a new phone and I'm back with you.
That being said. My videos are all still being uploaded on a regular basis and I hope you're enjoying them. I've just uploaded my latest video "NECA Godzilla 2014" and it's on my YouTube channel right now.
A lot has been happening with me lately - all good - and you as my loyal and lovely viewers and readers will now get to see me upload monthly hauls and maybe the occasional vlog if I feel I have something really noteworthy to show my face for.

Speaking of Lovely Viewers. What has been going on with Marina Joyce just lately. I don't keep up with YouTubers, but the whole Marina Joyce abduction conspiracy has blown up on facebook and YouTube and people are going crazy over it. I saw a video by another YouTuber whose name escapes me but she theorized that Marina is suffering from Schizophrenia. This in my opinion is also the most likely answer to her, well less than comfortable demeanor just lately. So I don't really have a whole lot to say other than IF this Marina is suffering from some sort of mental disorder than hopefully for her sake, she finds help. Generally though I keep my nose out of these kinds of events because I don't want to jump on the bandwagon and proclaim myself as Marine's friend - I don't know her at all and only saw her videos when this whole thing escalated to near global news levels.
All I can really say about Marina from my perspective is that maybe giving herself so much exposure online and continuing to make YouTube videos could continue to affect her current psychological state and it would probably be in her best interest to take a break until she can settle herself once again.

In other news Suicide Squad has been hit hard by Critics, Much like BvS before it. I've not seen it yet but I intend to and all I can say is that Critics have a mindset that they have to stand out from the others and come across as jaded intellectuals. The fact is that 90% of critics know nothing and spend most of their time trying to think of pretentious quotes to describe movies like "this film was so dire that I almost committed suicide to rid myself of it" chuckling to themselves at how smart they think they are. If you want a good opinion on what a film is like then you'll have to see it yourself and form your own. Rotten Tomatoes at this point is filled with these pretentious arseholes and it really winds me up.

Well that's about all I have time for today. Please enjoy your Sunday and have a great rest of the day.


Thursday, 30 June 2016

June 2016 Haul

Check out my latest video. 

Monday, 6 June 2016

20 inch custom batman

In my latest video, I show you the custom job I did on my recently purchased 20 inch New 52 Batman. From start to finish, you'll get to see every step and process that goes into the creation of a new figure. Below are some images of the Figure to show you some before and after, So enjoy:

Before (Bottom Left) and After (Bottom Right)

The tarnished effect was produced with Shoe Polish
If you've got any questions then please don't hesitate to contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to check out my latest blog. and be sure to watch the full video on my YouTube channel to get your Witless Fix.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

2017 Power Rangers suits revealed

So the latest promotional image from the upcoming movie "The Power Rangers" (2017) has been released and shows the updated look of the Rangers' costumes. So without wasting time, here it is:

Credit: Entertainment Weekly
(Full article here)
So first impressions are... GREAT. I love the technical look of the Rangers and the updated appearance from the classic spandex, it adds a very modern approach to the look of the suits. I will say however that they all look like various Iron Man suits, although I think anything slightly robotic with a light somewhere stands a chance of making that comparison

I wouldn't call my following comment a criticism but I think it could be taken that way, and that is that the suits look very similar to the The Guyver's suit from the classic 80's / 90's movies of the same name.

Maybe it's just me, but I think the various points and sharp edges look strikingly similar to the Guyver. The reason I think this could be taken as a criticism is because the Guyver is over 20 years old and clearly and understandably outdated by today's standards. But it does make me think that the Ranger's re-imagined suits may quickly start to look outdated themselves very shortly and possibly suffer the same fate as the recent Robocop remake and become forgotten among a saturated market of superheros and super-suits.

Obviously I'll go and see Power Rangers as soon as it's released so as to give you my honest opinion on how the movie holds up. But from the images of the suits, cast members, and recently released images of Rita, I think it's fair to say a decent amount of hard-work and money is going into this movie with the hopes that it'll appeal to old and new fans alike.

With Rite Repulsa being played by Elizabeth Banks, one would hope that there'd be an element of comedy in the movie. I just hope that it doesn't try too hard to be funny and end up parodying itself. 
Also my thoughts on Rita are quite simple, "Cosplay gold!" I'm generally happy with how the film is looking all round to be honest and hope we see a few nods to the classic series and maybe even the original movie in the upcoming flick.

Thanks for reading and have a great rest of day.


Tuesday, 3 May 2016

DC Rebirth Redesign Fails.

As you may have guessed from the title. I'm not thrilled over the new redesigns of the upcoming DC Comics 'Rebirth' characters. To add to that, I'm also not over the moon about the current state of comic books in general, but I'll briefly cover that in a minute.

 Recently the news website 'Comic Book Resources' uploaded some exclusive images of the new redesigns for DC's new shakeup (Link to that page is right here: Click here), and I thought it was only fair to voice my opinions on which of the designs I consider to be the worst. Now the entire lineup hasn't been revealed yet, so I can't say definitively that these are the worst designs or if the worst is yet to come, and also this is just my opinion so don't take this to heart if you personally love them.

To begin let's take a look at Batman (My favorite hero). Here's what I like, The yellow bordering on the logo looks sharp and the general color scheme works well. However, The bulky gauntlets and utility belt kind of kill it for me. I prefer Batman to have a little bit less going on with his costume to really emphasize that he's just a man. and the Belt just doesn't fit in my opinion. Overall it's not awful, but it wasn't necessary to update the practically perfect New 52 style look.

Again I have the same issue with Damian (Below) that I have with his dad, that being that the armored gauntlets, belt, and boots just make Robin look too heavy. I think Damian works best when he is given less, like Batman, and still prevails. As a master assassin and potential future Batman, I think it makes Robin look weaker and a bit cumbersome to give him armor.

On the other hand. Jon Kent as Superboy goes in the complete opposite direction and just turns into some sort of grotty child. Ripped jeans, converse and a caped Super-hoodie... what on Earth were they smoking to think that would look good. Just to put it into context, these character designs are just that, designs. So those rips aren't from a fight he's just got out of, no. Those rips are designed to be part of the costume... Ugh, I'm not a huge fan of child-superheroes anyway due to may age and just not really liking the stereotypical Teenage plots they go through. But Superboy's look just isn't working for me at all.

Finally, and without a shadow of a doubt, The worst character designs so far. We've got Harley Quinn and Killer Croc.

Starting with Harley, I never liked her in the classic black and red onesie she used to wear because it just didn't look right. But I think Margot Robbie's version of Harley Quinn just nailed it. Harley is certifiable - An average woman turned insane by circumstance - and her clothing should reflect that unhinged persona. she is not John Rambo. I think this is more a case of trying to make Harley more mainstream rather than letting the character be the psycho she actually was.

As for Croc... He looks like a shrub and The Thing (Ben Grimm) had a love child. It's just too far in one direction. Croc should represent Batman's primal side, but be less of a slap in the face and be slightly more subtle about it. It just doesn't work for me at all.

Harley Quinn done right.
 On the left you can see how Harley Quinn should look. From the dyed hair that looks like she did it herself on a drunken night. To the torn exaggerated clothing that still looks realistic. Harley is not some well-armed one woman militia. she's a nutter that leaves you unsure if she's about to love you or cut your throat.

I hope you've enjoyed this little moan of mine enough to want to check in again soon. I'll have more videos up on YouTube pretty soon and will keep posting on here as well.

Have a great rest of day.


Thursday, 28 April 2016

Reason for my absence lately (Animal lovers must read)

Dear readers and viewers of my YouTube channel.

I just wanted to update you on why I've not been online much lately or very active on my blog.

The reason is that my pet Chinchilla, Lily, gave birth to three kits and it was quite surprising to me (I knew she was pregnant but only expected one kit), and to be honest with you, They are a lot to handle lol.

We had to get a cage big enough for Lily and the babies to stay in for at least three months because the male chinchilla we have is a Tail-Biter.

So without keeping you waiting. Here are the pictures of Lily and her babies:




I know some of you may not be interested in animals or pets. But I love animals and have been enjoying the chance to spend time with these little bundles of fluffiness.

Bran (Bottom picture) is special needs and is the runt of the litter (He walks in circles a lot and is either possibly mentally handicapped or blind) as such he is hand-fed by me, So don't worry I'm not squeezing him in the picture. My hand is cupped and he is inside.

SIDE NOTE: Regular Witless Reviews videos will be up again in a very short time. Thank you for your patience.


Sunday, 10 April 2016

Upcoming plans for Witless Reviews

Soooo, It's been quite a while since I posted on my Blog (Sorry for that) but we've been a little busy lately, so I've not had much time lately.

As such, I thought I would give you a quick rundown of what kind of plans I've got coming up in Witless Reviews. So here goes:

I'll be constantly updating the setup that appears on-screen to give you a more Professional look to my videos. These include: changing backgrounds, using different methods to display figures, and other such things that I think of to give you better videos. Don't worry though, I won't be starting a Patreon to ask for your money.

I've been asked if I would make Stop-motion style videos of figures - I'm assuming the request is for little skits or something - and the only answer I can think of is... Maybe. Although Stop-Motion animation is an incredibly long process and I want to be good at making them so you're not getting rubbish videos.

I have been intending on using my Elgato HD Game Capture Card to make videos. I bought a new laptop and everything to keep up with the required specifications that the Elgato requires and.... nothing. I just cannot seem to get a steady frame-rate out of the Elgato, which bugs me a lot. Still I'll keep trying, as there's a tonne of older games I want to play through on the PS3 and Wii that I think you'll like.

That's pretty much everything I can think of at the minute. I've had enough time to upload two new videos in the last 2 weeks so feel free to check them out.

Thanks for reading.

Have a great rest of day.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Daisy Ridley's cleavage dictates her career

For those of you who may not know who Daisy Ridley is. She played Rey in the latest Star Wars movie "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens", and did a fantastic job of portraying a likable girl/woman that female viewers can relate to and appreciate, and many male viewers can enjoy as a breath of fresh air thanks to her role being defined by her skills and ability rather than her looks.

Because of the critical and commercial success of the latest Star Wars, Daisy Ridley's career has taken off and has most recently lead her to be in consideration for the role of Tomb Raider, in the upcoming reboot of the series. A role I personally think she would be perfect for and can see her as the younger Tomb Raider that has appeared in the two latest games of the series.

However, not everyone is as happy about this as I am and Daisy Ridley's place in the role of Lara Croft has been met with... well let's say a mixed reception. But why? is her acting not up to par? is she not a good role model for other women?... well no, basically she's just not got a big enough cleavage to fit the role.

Released in 1996 for the PS1
Let me start by saying that I believe in equal rights for EVERYONE, and as such I do not agree with fundamentalist feminism or extremist groups of any sort (general feminism I'm fine with, but there's always a few members that take it too far). So I am not going to go off on a rant at the industry and modern society for its portrayal of certain genders, races, or minorities. I am specifically talking about this example. With that being said. What on Earth are people smoking to think that Daisy Ridley is not good enough for the role because of her body shape?!

In 1996 the first Tomb Raider game was released and obviously didn't help the stereotype of gamer's being basement dwellers obsessed with this image of the 'ideal woman' (AKA fictional), However, that was TWENTY YEARS AGO and Gaming in general has moved on from the niche hobby it once was to a multi-billion dollar industry that not only tapped into the mainstream market, but became the mainstream market. As such, the games industry in general has evolved and opened up to a much wider demographic. from appealing primarily to males between 10 - 30, to targeting every age and every gender, sexuality, race, etc... In short, The world moved forward and games did too. 

Unfortunately, many people are stuck in the past and seem to think that gaming belongs to them and them alone, and in turn, think that their opinions deserve to be heard and respected, no matter how stupid they may be. Except all this does is reveal the ignorance of the few and paints the rest of us with the same tarred brush. 

As a Male myself, it irritates me to see other Boys/Men spurt their ignorant opinions on Women based solely on their appearances and seeming to ignore any other aspect about them. this is further solidified by the fact that Lara Croft has recently been remade to better resemble a Real physical appearance of a girl/woman rather than the disproportionate pixel-mess of years passed.

Then and Now
(Credit to showbizgeek for the image)
So what are some of the opinions on Daisy's portrayal of Lara Croft that have annoyed me so? Well from the comments section of the U.K's Daily Mail online we can view some of these comments together (

Credit: Daily Mail

Chimmy Changa States: "Insufficient Boobage"

Roisin17 States: "Angelina actually has a lot of sex appeal. Daisy doesn't. It wont work and will just look bad for her"

JUDI HENCH States: "Her Face is very forgettable"

Yellow Spiderbite States: "Angelina was perfect for Lara back in the day. She looked so strong, healthy, and sexy. It's a shame she has taken 'skinny' a bit too far nowadays."

BabaBooey States: "No lips, no curves... I guess she has the accent right tho..."

Vproject States: "She hasn't quite quite got the erm....front that one associates with the Lara Croft character. Angelina Jolie certainly did. But hey."

And the list just goes on from there. Now to be fair. There are some supporters of Daisy in the Role and other link-minded thinkers that are annoyed at the level of sexism that is being expressed here. So let's give those commentators their credit:

Paul_Xavier_Green States: "For crying out loud! Stop discussing Daisy Ridley's body shape like she's a piece of meat! This is sexist beyond belief! She was brilliant in Star Wars, and would be equally brilliant in a remake of Tomb Raider. All actors grow and develop with time. So will she."

Lash LaRue States: "The rebooted Tomb Raider has little emphasis on her sensuality so people assuming Daisy needs massive breasts for the role have outdated views. I think she's a good choice because she's genuinely British and has a slight masculinity about her."

and that's about it. 

It does nothing but show the out of touch nature of some people when they say these kinds of negative things, but more importantly than that. It paints men in general with such a wide brush and further enforces the stereotype that men are only interested in looks. A stereotype that many of us are trying to bring down and show people that there are decent, forward-thinking men in the world that are just as disgusted by the sexualization of women in media as women are. and to those people who do believe that the Daisy Ridley's career should be limited to the roles she looks most suited for, honestly, shame on you for trying to knock someone down without knowing anything else about them aside from how they look. 

In my opinion - any many other men's out there - Daisy Ridley nailed the role of Rey in Star Wars and would make for a fantastic Lara Croft.

Monday, 21 March 2016

Cardfight Vanguard Unboxing

My latest video is up and ready to be viewed. Just a relatively small unboxing of my first Cardfight Vanguard packs.

Thanks for watching and there'll be a new video up for you guys soon. 

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Batman v Superman Supercut!

I've been wanting to see the released footage of the upcoming Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, compiled into supercut video, and luckily, YouTube user M1llion has done the job and uploaded the below video showing pretty much everything you'd need to claim you've seen the film.

This leads me onto another side topic, that being that the amount of footage released for upcoming movies is getting too much and the trailers are spoiling the film. 

Throughout the production of Batman Vs. Superman, Director Zack Snyder has done the rounds and released multiple videos and pictures of the film, but a problem soon arose when footage was shown of Doomsday making his debut in the DC Cinematic universe and fans basically predicted the entire premise and outcome of the movie. Then, rather than try and keep as much footage hidden from the public as possible, Snyder tweeted and revealed further pictures and clips of the upcoming movie. The result of his reveals has done a good job of promoting the movie, but has it been at the expense of spoiling the overall experience of the movie? Personally I think it does.

But it isn't just Batman Vs. Superman's trailers revealing too much of the movie to audiences, as the upcoming Captain America: Civil War has recently made the rounds by revealing pretty much every twist and turn to audiences that haven't even seen the film yet, and I wouldn't be too shocked to see future images revealing the rumored death that is apparently occurring within the latest Marvel movie (for people who haven't read the Marvel Civil War comic story arc, Captain America dies at the end of the story... but don't worry he came back) 

In my personal opinion, a trailer for a film should consist of no more than 20 seconds of film footage, but mainly feature a cast member or the director talking about the film and convincing viewers that their film is worth paying the Box Office fee. It would be such a refreshing break from the norm and would leave so much of the story of the movie hidden from the general public. 

PLEASE NOTE: This is not my video.
The above video was uploaded by YouTube User: M1llion

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Star Wars Character Encyclopedia (DK)

Another day, another book, and today's book is the upcoming Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, which will be released by DK on April 1st 2016. 

I'd like to start this review by stating that this book is purely a character profile book and doesn't include any story or spoilers, So if you're not interested in the characters then this isn't the book for you... Although why wouldn't you be interested in a roster of characters from the globally known to the utterly obscure?

The Star Wars Character Encyclopedia (SWCE) is the latest in DK's long-line of character-related books with completely official licensing which means that all information provided within is in direct connection with the Canon of the series. I would also highly recommend checking out some of the other books by DK as there's no doubt a book of characters from your favorite series' on their site (

From front to back, the SWCE is filled with virtually every character that has been featured within the main film series as well as the Clone Wars animated T.V series. As such there'll be plenty of characters you've probably never heard of, but are all given the same degree of detailed attention. The only character I've not found in the book is Supreme Leader Snoke - due to the mystery still surrounding him in the films - which really teases the upcoming films in a nice subtle way, but it would've been nice to see some very limited info on him, even if it just pointed out his physical features.

In terms of content, the SWCE provides the general summary for each character, with minor details highlighting the character's role in the plot, as well as a few trivial facts. However some details are left out that would've been a nice inclusion, for instance, it would have been nice to find out what those buttons on Vader's chest plate actually do. Still it's not that much of a loss. 

The SWCE is a pretty small book for DK, being smaller than the previous DK books I've discussed on this blog, but that doesn't make a difference to anything and for the reduced price when compared to some of DK's other books, it's welcomed. the SWCE also only comes in Hardback. All in all, for what the books is, it is perfectly serviceable and is an easy to pick up book for newcomers to the Saga so far, and at less than £10 you can't go wrong.

The Star Wars Character Encyclopedia gets a Witless Reviews Rating of: PERFECT

NAME: Star Wars Character Encylopedia
RELEASE DATE: 1st April, 2016
PRICE: £9.99
BUY FROM: Waterstones - Click here to view

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

DK Captain America Ultimate Guide Review

Hello and Welcome to my latest Blog Review for the upcoming book by DK, Captain America: The Ultimate Guide To The First Avenger.

DK's latest Marvel release gives an entire history to the American Hero, and includes a wealth of additional information including variant costumes, trivia and even the various characters that have taken up the mantle as Captain America. In short the Ultimate guide has everything that newcomers and veteran fans could want to know. Which leads me smoothly into my next point, the purpose of these books.

DK have released various superhero books for many years and have provided detailed information with gorgeous artwork to appeal to anyone with an interest in comic book heroes. Primarily the DK books are aimed at introducing people to specific heroes or teams, while also providing long term fans with a great reference guide to keep up to date with their favorite heroes. These books do not include new stories or plots and don't actually change things for the characters, as stated on the cover. These books are solely guides. And great ones at that.

The included artwork within the books are always top notch by DK (whom have official rights to the Marvel line-up of characters) and Captain America is no different. From the inclusion of classic golden age artwork straight from the comics, to double-page spreads of larger pieces such as the latest Secret Wars event, The book is great for people who may not even care too much for the story specifics but just appreciate great comic art.

The Captain America book - like the previously released Avengers Guide also by DK – provides bullet-point timeline of events in chronological order. Which, is vital for fans of Marvel to keep up-to-date as Marvel famously kept their stories ongoing up until their Marvel NOW! Release a few years ago, where the Marvel Universe was basically reset to allow for new readers to dive straight into comics (A good idea that was met with a mixed response). So to be given a general history of Captain America's greatest moments is a nice addition.

If you watched my video review of the Captain America guide, then you'll know that my point for improvement would be for DK to release an entire series of Marvel's main characters in the same style as the Captain America guide, which I think would look lovely sitting on a shelf, as a matching set. One slightly odd thing is that DK tend to release many books with a cardboard sleeve that helps to protect the books and look nice on the shelves. However just lately, some of the books haven't had these sleeves. I'm guessing it's an economical decision for some of the cheaper books released, which is perfectly understandable.

All in all, The Captain America Ultimate guide is a nice stand-alone book for Marvel's most famous superhero and provides all the information a person could want to get to know more about the titular character. Here's hoping we see a matched series of HULK, Wolverine, Spider-Man, and more to get a complete set.

Captain America: The Ultimate Guide To The First Avenger, gets a Witless Rating of: GOOD*
*conditional rating, Becomes 'Perfect' if a series is released

NAME: Captain America, The Ultimate Guide To The First Avenger
RELEASE DATE: 1st April, 2016
PRICE: £17.99
BUY FROM: Waterstones Upon release 

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Top 10 Geek YouTubers

YouTube is possibly the internet's second most well-known website to us all, with the first being Google. With that being said, I think it's only fair that I give credit to some of my personal favorite YouTubers that I love to watch and hopefully you will too. This is my own list and as such my top 10 will obviously differ from yours. But I hope you give some of these people a watch and find some of your own new favorites. let's get to it!

Witless Reviews
I cannot count how many times I watched VH1 where a band would count down their favorite bands, only to put themselves at #1. oh the arrogance. So I'll put myself in the honorable mention section and make a genuine Top 10 list with WR not on it.

10) DigitalRev TV

If you're like me and you love your photography then I can't think of a better Channel to Subscribe to than DigitalRev TV. Videos generally vary in length and but are always worth watching thanks to the charming and funny hosts. informative and interesting, DR is a must for photography enthusiasts

CHANNEL HIGHLIGHT: Giving professional photographers cheap cameras to test their skills

9) Planet Dolan

I've been watching Planet Dolan since he hosted the channel simply as Danger Dolan and was hooked on his videos thanks to Dolan's dry sense of humor, the weird and often morbid countdown lists and - since his collaborating with fellow YouTubers - his  fairly high upload rate.

CHANNEL HIGHLIGHT: Learning about the creepiest things you could ever want

8) batinthesun

When your fights are better than portrayed in the movies, you know you're doing alright, and batinthesun is surely doing alright in my books. Watching your favorite heroes and villains fighting characters they'd never normally meet is a treat for the eyes and I love it. I'll admit that I only watch the fight videos and none of their other ones because that's all I really want to see. but those videos alone were enough to keep me hooked. 

CHANNEL HIGHLIGHT: The original Green/White Ranger Jason David Frank is excellent as always

7) HarshlyCritical

John from HarshlyCritical makes you feel like you've invited your friend to come round and play video games with you. Covering games from triple A titles like Until Dawn, to classic games like the King's Quest series. HarshlyCritical uploads regularly and isn't annoying like many other YouTube Gamer channels.

CHANNEL HIGHLIGHT: Watching Cult-hit games like Call Of Cthulhu and King's Quest V.

6) TheReviewSpot

Spot from TheReviewSpot is one of two YouTubers that made me want to start recording YouTube videos. So he had to make this list somewhere. I've been subscribed to Spot since his early days and have still yet to watch all of his videos. He's an uploading machine lol. With a family-friendly theme and content from monthly boxes of snacks, all the way to cult horror video game figure, TheReviewSpot covers all Toy enthusiast areas.

CHANNEL HIGHLIGHT: Generally mid-length videos with an inviting, friendly host. 

5) JonTronShow

The second YouTuber that made me want to create content is JonTron. I struggled to decide which should get the #5 spot, so basically consider numbers 5 and 6 to be interchangeable. 
JonTron is without a doubt the funniest Gaming reviewer on the internet, and yes I know about AngryJoe, Spoony, AVGN, Boogie, and many many more, and still JonTron is the funniest on that list. With a mixed modern sense of humor that mixes pop-culture with Cult hit jokes and surreal jokes such as his references to 2001 A space odyssey, Jon's videos are a sure hit and clearly others agreed as JonTron has only grown more popular in his fairly short time as a YouTuber.

CHANNEL HIGHLIGHT: Jon's Nightshade video showcases everything best about his channel

4) PeanutButterGamer

If there's one thing I love, it's Zelda. if there's another thing I love, It's surreal humor. if there's one more thing i love it's old games and T.V Shows. combine them all and you've got PeanutButterGamer. PBG's videos are always funny and the content feels like it was made just for me (It wasn't lol) I already said that JonTron is the funniest, but I think PBG is a close second. 


3) ashens

Stuart Ashen's dry wit and cynical nature is played out perfectly in his videos and his content just happens to be comedy gold, from Engrish instructions to vomit-inducing century eggs. It's hard not to find something funny about Ashens. It's also nice to have a fellow brit who has done so well on YouTube and his Movie, Quest For The Gamechild was well-made and genuinely fun to watch.

CHANNEL HIGHLIGHT: Tasting some of the most disgusting foods I've ever seen

2) DidYouKnowGaming?

DYKGaming has been going for a little while and has what I believe to be the kind of formula that could make for a television or Netflix series. Filled with facts that are genuinely not-known by the public and even to some of the more hardcore gamers, DYKGaming features all the most popular games and even some of the lesser known ones' deep dark secrets. 

CHANNEL HIGHLIGHT: Guest hosts that you already follow teaching you about your favorite games.

1) Cinemassacre

If DidYouKnowGaming would make for a great series. then Cinemassacre would make for an entire great T.V Channel. From AVGN, James and Mike Mondays, to my personal favorite, Monster Madness. Cinemassacre has taken leaps and bounds on the internet and has endured for years thanks to James Rolfe's genuine love for old games/movies and culture. It's also only fair to give Mike Matei credit for all his hard work on AVGN and many other Cinemassacre-related projects. 

Cinemassacre's content is so all-encompassing that it really could fill an entire TV channel and deserves the #1 spot on this and many other lists. 

CHANNEL HIGHLIGHT: Monster Madness and Board James. 

I hope you've enjoyed my latest blog post, please give the above YouTubers a try and see if they're your sort of thing. You wont regret it. 

Have a great rest of day. 


Thursday, 18 February 2016

S H Figuarts Luigi Video Review

My video for the S H Figuarts Luigi is up and online on YouTube. Check it out now!

Patreon Abuse

The following is a short rant on my personal perspective not on the concept of Patreon, but on many of the Internet celebrities that use it.

Money is a great motivator, if that wasn't obvious enough from the idea of a job, then you'll no doubt be aware of the greed that many people complain about in our society. And in my mind, fewer places are filled with more greed than YouTube. Now there is nothing wrong with monetising your content to reap a bit of reward for your work, I do it, as does any YouTube channel that has an advert on it. It's common knowledge and generally, for doing what is in essence a hobby, YouTube pays fairly depending on view count. But this isn't enough for some people who believe that they need more money, and so go on to try and coax you into spending your hard earned money on them by donating through Patreon, A site that acts like Kickstarter and funds people with a vision but not the funds to reach that vision. Some causes are worthwhile such as funding an up-and-coming Game developer or non-profit charity's. But then there are many YouTuber's who have these Patreon accounts and beg for you to donate... for what is in effect, nothing!.

I won't name names as that's not being a good sport. But I will point out that I have followed some of these people for many months or sometimes years and then been annoyed to see that they've opened a Patreon account where they'd like to be given money for the most bone idle reasons I can think of. You may see some YouTuber's state something like 'Donate $10 and you'll receive the video days before other people” which doesn't sit right, because surely if you could upload the video early, you would do so to please your viewers whom earn you money by watching the video in the first place.

But the biggest annoyance with YouTuber's and Patreon comes in the form of the following statement “Your donations will keep [NAME] going for longer and will make it possible for me to improve my video quality for you” or as I like to think of it “Give me your money because I want it, and I won't tell you how the quality will be improved”. I don't think I'm being cynical when I say that it is just rude to your viewers and followers to beg for money with thinly veiled half-truths and generalised sweeping statements. A lot of popular YouTuber's with Patreon accounts are Vloggers... Vloggers who's only necessary requirement is the camera they already record on... no other equipment is needed, so why would a Vlogger need donations.

Like I said earlier, some YouTuber's or content creators have goals, and some are for genuinely good causes (YouTube's Vet Ranch is an amazing cause that I love, I don't know if it has a Patreon account, but if it did, I'd see it as a perfectly valid cause) but there are other people out there who just want to do as little work as possible for as much money as they can get, and it is those people that I urge, I plead with you, not to give your money to. If a YouTuber says “You don't have to donate” don't!

Just because something is legal, doesn't make it right, and it bothers me to see fans paying their favourite YouTuber's money because they worry the channel might not be able to continue running or other reasons.

Thanks for taking the time to read this little rant of mine. I wouldn't make a video on this kind of topic, but a Blog is just for general thoughts and I appreciate you finding my thoughts worth listening to. If you like you can donate to me at the followi.... nah just kidding hehe.

Have a great rest of day.


Sunday, 14 February 2016

Figma Link Review

My latest video has been uploaded to YouTube. On today's episode I take a look at the Figma series Legend of Zelda Link. 

You'll have to watch the video if you want the full review

Have a great day!. 

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Deadpool Movie Review

Our friendly Merc with a mouth has made it to the big screen but does he kill it or just flop like a severed regenerative limb?

My fiance and I decided to take an early afternoon trip to our local cinema and check out Deadpool the day after its U.K release. I've only been to the cinema in the early afternoon once or twice, but today we got there to be greeted with a horde of pensioners who were off to see their favorite films where the ODEON gives out tea and biscuits. I assumed that they were all going to see the remake of Dad's Army. But no, most of them wandered into see The Suffragette (A film I have no interest in seeing). So that was our start to our latest cinema experience, A slightly odd but sweet experience.

Onto Deadpool. We kick the film off with a freeze-frame of the car fight that was in all the trailers for the movie. as the camera cuts around the scene we're given the opening credits that feature lines like "Produced by some Asshats", "Starring a Moody Teen" and so on, This is our first indication that Deadpool is thankfully self-aware and straight away you feel pretty relaxed knowing that it's not going to be depressing and miserable like a certain six-clawed mans films have been,

This car fight takes up a lot of trailer time and to be honest, that's because the car fight sequence IS most of the movie. We cut to and from Deadpool's origin and the car fight sequence, which in all honesty, on paper sounds really annoying. But on film is actually really really well done,

From a cinematic technical standpoint, Deadpool is outstanding and beautifully shot. Even non-followers of the technical side of film-making will appreciate just how excellently this film was shot and cut together. The action sequences in specific are both perfectly choreographed and hilarious at the same time. 

Deadpool is a revenge story at its core, With Ed Skrein (The old Daario from GoT) as the primary antagonist of the movie. Skrein plays the role of Francis 'Ajax' Fanny as well as anyone could've hoped and handles the role perfectly. However, herein lies my problem with Deadpool... The villains. Deadpool is an excellent movie that unfortunately fails to include an excellent villain, Yeah Ajax is nice but he's very VERY generic, suitably evil but not so much as to be over-the-top, and is also some sort of intelligent mafia-esque shady leader. He's basically a stock villain given a Deadpool character's name, which kinda works, but also feels a little dull. 

Ed Skrein plays Ajax

Fans of Deadpool will love every single joke, nod and nudge to the both the Marvel universe and movie industry collectively. Deadpool himself breaks the fourth wall often and even references the actor playing himself in his own movie... which when you take time to think about, is really confusing. There's also lots of blood, boobs, beatings and well "beatings". 

All in all Deadpool is the little movie that could, and you can see just how much Reynolds loves the character of Deadpool. To be honest, it's just nice to see Ryan Reynolds finally get the role he's always wanted and was basically born to play. 

With jokes that work throughout the whole film, blood and gore that is well-done, action that pleases, and the titular character being lovable just for how mad he is, Deadpool proves to be a great Superhero flick that stands side-by-side with Iron Man, Avengers, and X-Men. Except Deadpool is much more adult than them. 

Deadpool gets a Witless Reviews rating of: PERFECT