Sunday, 7 August 2016

Witless is back after a long month.

To my great readers out there, I'd like to apologize for not being active on my blog very much lately. Long story short I use my phone to upload all my content and the windows phone I used to use didn't have a blogger app. So now I've got a new phone and I'm back with you.
That being said. My videos are all still being uploaded on a regular basis and I hope you're enjoying them. I've just uploaded my latest video "NECA Godzilla 2014" and it's on my YouTube channel right now.
A lot has been happening with me lately - all good - and you as my loyal and lovely viewers and readers will now get to see me upload monthly hauls and maybe the occasional vlog if I feel I have something really noteworthy to show my face for.

Speaking of Lovely Viewers. What has been going on with Marina Joyce just lately. I don't keep up with YouTubers, but the whole Marina Joyce abduction conspiracy has blown up on facebook and YouTube and people are going crazy over it. I saw a video by another YouTuber whose name escapes me but she theorized that Marina is suffering from Schizophrenia. This in my opinion is also the most likely answer to her, well less than comfortable demeanor just lately. So I don't really have a whole lot to say other than IF this Marina is suffering from some sort of mental disorder than hopefully for her sake, she finds help. Generally though I keep my nose out of these kinds of events because I don't want to jump on the bandwagon and proclaim myself as Marine's friend - I don't know her at all and only saw her videos when this whole thing escalated to near global news levels.
All I can really say about Marina from my perspective is that maybe giving herself so much exposure online and continuing to make YouTube videos could continue to affect her current psychological state and it would probably be in her best interest to take a break until she can settle herself once again.

In other news Suicide Squad has been hit hard by Critics, Much like BvS before it. I've not seen it yet but I intend to and all I can say is that Critics have a mindset that they have to stand out from the others and come across as jaded intellectuals. The fact is that 90% of critics know nothing and spend most of their time trying to think of pretentious quotes to describe movies like "this film was so dire that I almost committed suicide to rid myself of it" chuckling to themselves at how smart they think they are. If you want a good opinion on what a film is like then you'll have to see it yourself and form your own. Rotten Tomatoes at this point is filled with these pretentious arseholes and it really winds me up.

Well that's about all I have time for today. Please enjoy your Sunday and have a great rest of the day.


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